Monday, May 11, 2009

Autobiography #6

Daily routines and circumstances guide me in certain situations. As I go through my daily rituals my language changes automatically. There are many cultures, which I am involved with that effect, my communications skills. Cultures like texting, emails, school, work, friends, all require different verbal and written skills. As I tested my self through the week, I realized that when I encountered a different setting my language changed intuitively and at other times automatically. For instance, when I am at home I have to be respectful towards my parents and set a good example for my younger sibling, hence I am careful as to what words to use. However, other times when I’m having lunch with my friends right before class or work my language use is “non-proper” and when I arrive at school or work my language changes intuitively. The same process occurs over written communication. The time where I find it most difficult is when I’m texting a friend and then I try to type and email or essay. Why? Well because most of my communications is done over text messages that when I try to transcend into professional mode it’s hard at times. I usually have to go back and check my work due to me using “u” (texting lingo) instead of “you” (proper English). Despite the daily rituals in which I am involved in I always successfully manage to switch from one mode to the next whether it be automatically or intuitively.

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